
Educational assessment is important for improving the quality of education. The result of assessments is valuable information for teachers in improving the quality of teaching-learning processes. Assessment can be carried for the purpose of learning, and can be as learning and of learning.  Assessment can be conducted as classroom assessment, school assessment, and national assessment. There are many research findings concerning the development of appropriate assessment methods that have a substantial impact on the quality of teaching and learning  processes in the classroom and the quality of education.
Assessment can be used to describe students’ competencies as a result of  their study, their motivation, teachers’ competencies, and teachers’ motivation. Each school, region, even nation has a unique strategy in improving the student’s competency. The conference is inviting researchers who have done or will do research in educational assessment or evaluation. Since the methods for student assessment or student evaluation have much been developed, we are inviting experts in students’ assessment from all over the world, especially Australia and Hongkong. 
Related to the global competition, the expected main advantage from assessment is to improve students’ performance. It is certainly not easy to conduct assessment that can enhance students’ attitude, knowledge, and skill. Those reasons motivate us to hold this conference, where experts will share their experience in the latest development of educational assessment, and participants of the conference will share their experiences about methods, impacts, and tools of assessment that can improve students’ performance.