List of Speaker Participant

71 Afifah Nur ‘Aini Universitas Sebelas Maret Chemistry education The Influence of the Blended Learning Model supports E-Learning (Edmodo) on Student Learning Achievements the Main Material of Buffer Solutions in SMA 1 Banyudono Academic Year 2018/2019 OK
72 Resa Septiani Pontoh Universitas Padjadjaran Health science Bayesian Econometric of Malaysia’s Price Elasticity of Cigarette Demand
73 Maria Ciptaning Sabdo Kawedhar Universitas Sebelas Maret Chemistry education The 11th Grade Students’ Profile of Shwartz’s Chemical Literacy and Facione’s Critical Thinking Level towards Hydrocarbon
74 Maria Ciptaning Sabdo Kawedhar Universitas Sebelas Maret Chemistry education The Linking between Critical Thinking and Chemical Literacy: The Perspective of In-service and Pre-service Chemistry Teachers OK
75 Sinta Septi Pangastuti Universitas Padjadjaran Science education Partialal least square multi group analysis for comparing university student satisfaction
76 Agus SUNDARYONO Graduate School of Science Education, University of Bengkulu Chemistry The Development of Kebiul Seed (Caesalpinia bonduc) Extract as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Medicine through Thrombocyte Enhancement Test in Mice
77 Frenika Widyasari Universitas Sebelas Maret Chemistry education Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Ability of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers through Subject Specific Pedagogy OK
78 Apriliya Dwi Setyorini Universitas Sebelas Maret Chemistry education Students' Chemical Literacy on Chemical Rate Reaction: A Phenomenographic Study
79 Rio Christy Handziko Dept of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Biology education The Impacts of Instructional Media on the Concept Mastery of Merapi Ecosystem Succession OK
80 Elizabeth Betty Elok Kristiani Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga Health science The potential of Artemisia cina Berg ex Poljakov as Antioxidant Agent
